Letters to my future self
6th aug - graduation and beyond
finally graduated now. *phew*
looking at my academic transcript, i cant help but think that i really could have done alot better, but oh well, whats over is over. time to start looking ahead and planning my next steps.
back home in singapore, the heat is like ... woah. considering that i've spent close to 1 month in the australian winter and suddenly switching to the weather here, its a pretty big change.
been catching up with ppl and watching moves for the past few days, will start work at mart soon so at least theres some input into the bank acct for the time being. and if theres anything i learnt over the past couple of days, it'd be that playing the wii can be really tiring and can induce muscle aches.
caught dark knight and red cliff yesterday and today respectively.
the story for dark knight was amazing, so many times in the movie where i felt that the movie might be near its ending and it didnt, it jus went on and on. heath ledger's potrayal of joker was like.... wow. i actually wonder if he can be nominated for (or even win) an oscar now that he's no longer around. that qoute from harvey dent abt "you either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villian" ... soooo cool.
red cliff was pretty awesome as well. the movie was filled with comedic moments, which was somehow different from the way i 'see' those characters, but it did make the movie ...idk, less 'boring' for the non three kingdom fans? was also slightly disappointed that they left the more symbolic moments in the story out, like how liu bei threw his son to the ground aft zhao yun saved him and the palm strike between zhuge liang and zhou yu. bugged me slightly, but the overall presentation was great, plenty of detail in the war scenes and all. am so going to catch the next part when it comes out.
been doing abit of experimenting with cloth, thread and needles as well over the past few days. tried making bags out of felt cloth, makes for nice presentation (with a personal touch) for some of the gifts that i might have to give out over the next few days. completed a prototype yesterday and made my 1st actual one earlier today in less than 3 hrs. although if not for the time contrain, i probably would have done a much better job. crooked stitches dont look very nice ><". my fingers now hurt from all the needle pushing, lol.
i used to think that a moment of awkward silence is bad, i now know that a whole night of awkward silence, is worse.
oh well... heh