Letters to my future self


Letters to my future self

20th jun - holidays!

wee, exams are over. apart from the 1st paper which was an utter disaster, the rest were pretty smooth sailing... i think *heh*

for now its just wow and world cup!

[2. Trade] [Akodohaku]: WTB [48hrs a day] PST


Letters to my future self

11th jun - the worst and the best day.

my 1st paper's over. it was a disaster. i was required to write 2 essays, i think i managed to come up with something closer to like..... 2 paragraphs.

the only chance i can pass this paper is if.... i score really well in the MCQ section. yes, for some odd reason, 30 mcq questions weigh as much as 2 essay questions. hence if i do really well for the mcq, maybe a few 'pity' marks from the essays will allow me to pass the exam (and the module overall)

i got home from the worst day ever and when i got home, i jus turned on my comp and wow'ed. it was like "it cant get any worse now, i need a break".

what do u know? it turned out to be the best raiding weekend ever. 2 items which have never ever dropped before in abt 3 months of raiding finally dropped yesterday. i was the recipiant of both of them. (which was lucky, cos at the final boss, what happened was at the very start of the fight, i disconnected. i managed to get myself reconnected right at the moment the boss died, which allowed be to be eligible for the loot drops. i got assigned the loot item, barely 5 mins later, i disconnected again and was never able to reconnect until much later that day)

which essentially means that my character has 3 guild's 'first' items. for anyone who cared to know what they are: Viskag the Bloodletter (3 weeks ago), Bloodfang Helm and Bloodfang Pants (both yesterday)

okok, better get back to my books now =p


Letters to my future self

7th jun - the stressed one

10th is my 1st paper. but i cant say i'm fully prepared for it yet. still too many things i'm uncertain about. despite knowing very well the format of the exam, i still feel that theres too much reading i have not done.

reading the text is jus plain lame, each chapter is 30-40 pages and isnt written in the most digestable formats, i often have to go back and read again a paragraph to catch the meaning. too much technical mumbo jumbo, too many redendant stuff. if the book was written in simple english, it probably would cut the book down abt half.

lecture notes focus on key points, but it often feels like details are lacking, especially if it comes to answering essay questions.

in short, my exams preparations are all over the place. getting distracted every once in awhile isnt helping either. *oh look! another cookie!*

considering that the last time i actually had to sit down and study was erh... 7 yrs ago? its like relearning how to do it, god.

anyone got any effective last min studying tips?
(pref ones that dont involve "paying attention to lectures and tutorials" since its too late for that to happen now ><")

back to the books


Letters to my future self

31st May - week 13, last week of classes

one other noticable difference btw singapore and australia is the education system. i've never truly understood how it could be possible that a study break is only 1 week... until this week, that is. this week's lectures are so 'impt', its possible to skip the whole term's worth of class, attend week 13's lectures and still pass the exams.

lets jus say that the scope of my revision is narrowed down by some 50-60% after this week's lectures.

exam weightages however arent as high as i think it would be like in singapore, exams here take up about 30-35% of the semester's work? and oddly enough, i actually have papers that are worth exactly as much as they weigh, ie. 35 marks.

also becos the exams dont weight so much, its technically possible to be considered to have passed the subject even b4 taking the exam (assuming u have done well, in ur class quizzes and assignments). well, i havent, or at least i dont think so, i havent borthered working the math out, but lets jus say last min work doesnt produce top results =p

i have an exam that consist of nothing but MCQ questions, 50 MCQ. woot?
and a different paper has a section A that consists of 40 MCQ questions and the whole section weighs .... 10 marks. nope, not a typo. 10 marks. 0.25m per question, brillant, aint it?

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