17th Aug -
Mind's a jumbled bag of thoughts at the moment. Plans are slowly shaping up, albeit at a really slow pace.
Mostly preoccupied with the costume... dates for AFA (13th-14th Nov) and EOY (12th Dec) have been fixed, which kinda puts pressure to hasten the crafting process. To date, I've transferred most of the stuff to cardboard, a process which should really be completed by this weekend. I've began fitting some of the pieces and not too pleased with the size. So that will need additional tweaking. Still have yet to finalize what I intend to use to fabricate the end product. It most definitely will involve foam boards, just whether there's anything else on top of that... and the finishing. If I don't find that gunmetal paint I'm looking for, then will have to fall back on gray. Still not even sure if the mediums I'm using can be sprayed on directly. Will probably require further testing.
The other project has taken a backseat in the meantime. Had a small machine shipped in thou. Not my most ideal type of machine, but it'll make some decent samples, I hope. Put some thoughts into the execution and thinking that maybe jumping straight into town might not be the best idea, seeing that the bunch of us are really amateurs in this field. Maybe similar product with a different concept under a different label at a less populated area. Will probably be easier to upkeep and allow us to experience the problems 1st hand and tweak them until we're ready to take on a bigger stage. Aside from that, been putting some thought into the possible ingredients that can be used, so at least I know where to find them when I can start. Target to start experimenting in Jan.
On lesser news, this is probably the most I've ever spent on cosmetic upgrades in a single month. Learning partly for cosplay and for other misc reasons. The only conclusion thus far is that all the names are either in some kind of alien language or sounds like some alien language or both. *rolls eyes*
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