Letters to my future self


20th July - One step at a time.

Thoughts are so jumbled right now. Maybe I really should go out and take walks more often to clear my head. Sometimes will get caught up with the pace I do things, feels kinda rushed, for what reason, I don't even know.

Need to open a new bank account. As much as I can practice self restrain not to spend too much on needless artifacts, I'd probably feel safer if I lock the money up somewhere. Target is to have a 5 digit sum by the time I'm ready to put the business plan in place, sometime mid to late next year. Cant afford to have any more Gurren Laganns throwing wrenches at my financial plans.

And there's still that question. Everyone I've consulted, seems to agree that I probably shouldn't ask... yet. I can see the logic behind it, but I'm also dying to know the answer. *Anxious!*



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