Letters to my future self
8th nov - "killer!"
woke up this morning... turned on computer, brush teeth, chk email.
in my inbox, there was a mail titled "gurubashi screenshot contest" sent to me by a blizzard staff. its a screenshot contest i took part in awhile back and nearly forgot abt it. anyways, i was anticipating it to be one of those "kkthxbai" emails... until i clicked on it.
*insert 30 secs of silence* + *jaw dropping*
"Congratulations! You were chosen as a Killer Silver finalist in the Gurubashi Screenshot Contest. You have won 29 "KILLER SILVER" silver coins, a "KILLER" T-shirt and a "KILLER" network card.
Please email us back your full name and a mailing address and we will be sure to send your prize within 30 days. Should we not hear from you within 30 days you will forfeit your prize.
Best wishes,
Blizzard Entertainment"
thats like the top 5 entrants!
"KILLER SILVER prize - Two qualified entrant shall be chosen to receive the "KILLER SILVER" prize package consisting of the following: twenty nine (29) "KILLER SILVER" Silver Coins with an aggregate approximate retail value of $400.00; one (1) "KILLER" T-Shirt with an approximate retail value of $15.99, and one (1) "KILLER" Network card, with an approximate retail value of $279.00"
and for those curious, this is the theme for the contest:
""We're looking for some belligerent adventurers to let their artistic fury fly by taking screenshots of themselves doing what they do best, vanquishing their foes!"
Participants should submit shots displaying the widespread carnage they've wrought, the havoc they've mercilessly unleashed on the masses, the piles of enemies who've fallen before them -- anything that shows the world that they are without a doubt Azeroth's most destructive force."
and this is what i submitted:

click image to enlarge
yes. rats.
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