Letters to my future self
24th oct - update
flight back home's been confirmed, i'll be flying on the 24th next month, arriving home on the morning, 25th nov, transiting from KL.
i have unfortunately screwed myself up on rent. apparently i signed a 1 yr contract, which means i have to continue paying for the room despite not being around. really irks me, as i didnt know it would turn out this way, feel somewhat cheated. will see if there anything that can be done to lessen the cost during that 3 month duration when i'm away.
final assignments are due this week (2 of them) and this is the last week of classes. 1st paper begins on the 4th of next month, and ends on the 16th. the plan now is to end my exams and bunk up at my cousin's place up in brisbane until i fly. but due to the recent troubles with the rent contract, i'll still trying to get that worked out *sigh*
lost my pencil last week. the 2nd piece of stationary thats gone missing since i got here. 1st was a pen, now a pencil. what seemed strange was my reaction to their disappearances. i get annoyed when i lost the pen cos then i had to get a replacement. for the pencil, i got annoyed over actually losing it. it would seem that losing the pencil is somewhat more personal to me then losing the pen. pens are... jus writting tools.. the pencil on the other hand is more... personal. also i've had that pencil for over 5 yrs, so yea... grr. whoever took it, i hope u trip over an ant on ur way home or something.
gaming wise, nothing much, i finally got into a new guild and having to work my way up the ranks from the bottom again. still disappointed by some of the things in the guild, but this will have to do for now until the expansion. plan is to lie low, get some loot and pray for the best when the expansion comes out.
i cant wait to get back home. i miss the food back at home. 8 months of fast food, biscuits, and frozen food does strange things to a person.
**oh btw, for those who havent, chk this one out http://www.mrbrownshow.com/?p=360. pure genius and a great laugh.
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