Letters to my future self


Letters to my future self

1st aug - sneak peeking madness

sneak peeking here refers to going to the avengers prerelease, please do not mistake it or any sort of perverted activity. heh.

anyway, that was yesterday. blew a total of 40+35+35+35=145 on the event itself, which is worth it, i hope. some of the products which i got are currently listed on ebay, with some luck, these products will actually pay for the event itself. in other words, i'm playing for free.

the day itself wasnt so exciting thou, i didnt really get alot of the cards i wanted (which is ALOT) and due to the fact that i kept on joining, dropping and rejoining events, i didnt have alot of time for trading (which is bad). what was most annoying was that someone actually brought down a whole family of children, no doubt kids of his own relatives, to attend the last event, just to get more packs. after all in theory, its pretty much like buying packs at discounted prices. for each kid he brought, he got a tshirt, 5 participation boosters, 1 "you wore VS tshirt" booster and at least 3 boosters for finishing with 2 wins or less. thats 9 boosters and 1 tshirt for 40, profitable, i you ask me.

we were all jesting about hiring a bunch of banglas for the next sneak preview event. or even better, sent a whole platoon of ns men down.

i think they should somehow fix the prize system. like change it to: if you drop from an event, you are only eligible for booster prizes and not the "trade-in". this will prevent hordes of people from dropping from the event to get the playmats and the deckboxes.

this time also had alot of activity as compared to the green lantern event. the green lantern one had a total of 7 flights at the end of the day. this one went to 12. as a matter of fact, its supposed to start at 9, i got there at 9.15 and i had to sign up for the 4th flight ><"

Anyway with regards to work, this week, i'm exempted. not that i would like to, but i'm not scheduled. not at all, 7 days and not a single day. no doubt the pay is quite gd, but if i dont actually get to work, that isnt exactly going to finance anything. hopefully i'll get like 3-4 days of work next week, but we'll see how it goes. i hope it turns out for the better, if not i maybe forced to turn to other options with regards to employment.

alright, enough ranting for the day


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