Letters to my future self


Letters to my future self

jul 13th - the last day

yay. the off issue has finally resolved. i'm getting a bonus of 12 days, i dont really know how it calculated but 12 days is already more then enough (thou i think i shd have gotten more, but thats besides the pt) i only have abt 6-8 duties anyway, so 12 days is abit... well... redundant. not like its transferable or that i can sell it. wasted that it couldnt be resolved earlier such that i could get more days off. oh well, it happens when you're the 1st person to be affect by the system.

anyways, that effectively means that today is my last day at work and a pretty much extremely very busy last day it is. we were so busy, we didnt have time at all for lunch until 3.30 and barely 15 mins into the meal, there as another turnout. came back at 4.30 to wrap up lunch. my personal best had been 8 turnouts... until today where it was 9. kao.

probably will be slacking round until aug where i'll begin work with mart, need sometime to tie up some loose ends here and there.

current list of to-do lists:

- revamp of this blog, very much overdue, probably will put back in all the old stuff that was deleted earlier this yr. i still hate the powers that decreed it so.

- education, still undecided. will apply with MDIS for their mass comm degree program, but at the same time will see if i could get into NIE too. otherwise there's always SIM to fall back on. options on going overseas is still very much open.

- driving liscense, something which i'm supposed to get while i'm still in NS. now that i'm going to ORD in 2 month's time, i havnt even passed my basic theory test yet, tsk tsk.

- to buy: a pair of nike free, more gaiman stuff, digicam, laptop, world of warcraft (?)

- to upgrade: computer. despite having bought not very long ago, there are somethings that need to be changed, like the graphic card for example and i really need to be reformatting my drive to free up the space within.

- 10K:KL. have to do better, SG was utter disappointment, not to mention utter dead weight.

- tidy up my tables, while this seems to be a really minor task, it really is extremely uphill. it involves having too much stuff and too little space. perhaps its time i dumped all my remaining magic and LOTR CnU's away. not to mention all the random mageknight, mechwarrior nonsense lying around. i actually believe i still have my poly notes buried somewhere on my table under a huge pile of gaming rubble.

sigh. what alot of stuff to do.
at least i'm actually getting to time to do them now, now that the current chapter is coming to an end.



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