Letters to my future self


letters to my future self

8th jan - a new year

got my 1st pay check yesterday. the sum is somewhat miserable, but at least for once, i'm feeling that this money is 'well-earned' so as to speak. on the bright side, i'm getting used to work, tasks which previously would complain about are slowly becoming easier to do, mostly becos i'm getting the rhythm of things. now that i've settled down in the environment, observation kicks in and i'm slowly noticing/learning new things much faster then during the 'whining' phase. not only am i learning, i'm finding that i'm in the position where i can pass down information to newer co-workers. a turn for the better; welcomed change of pacing.

the troubling issue still hasnt seen much improvement. i'm walking into alot of invisible walls. for a person who likes to break problems down into smaller segments for analysis, i have to admit for once that there are way too many variables in this equation and it throws me off. a change of approach perhaps? if so, what to? *sigh sigh*

byousoku dvd finally here! well, actually i received it over a week ago, but didnt have time to look at it until recently. its jus the way i wanted it to be. props for having a interview (with the director) segment in the dvd under the bonus sections. (odd part being that the interview can only be viewed in trad chinese subs)

simple wishes for the coming year:
to find success in everything i choose to do (and making correct decisions)!



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