Letters to my future self


Letters to my future self

2th nov - monster

several years back, i discovered the anime titled 'monster'. i remember only watching the front few episodes, but it left a very deep impression on me. the story had a very intriguing, complex plot. however, i did not continue the series for reasons i cannot remember. or perhaps back then, i wasnt into that kind of story.

just only a few days back, i stumbled upon it by chance again. the same dark, eerie storyline, yet this time i could not resist it. as i write right now, i'm halfway thru the series of 74 episodes. so far its been amazing, its like a tangled ball of twine slowly unraveling. yet, jus when u think u've got it figured out, u're hit with one of those WTF moments... again. i'm drawn in deeper and deeper into the plot.

with less then a week to go before my 1st paper, this is perhaps the worse time to get drawn into the story...
must... fight... the temptation ...



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