Letters to my future self


Letters to my future self

24th sep - there's always a higher mountain

spent today at adrian's place helping him get his new hard disk fixed. his operation was done jus 2 days back and now his arm's still in a sling and will be for another about 2 weeks.

ran into a couple of problems today when it came to partitioning. but eventually it got solved after a few phone calls to geniune experts in the field.

i've always thought i've had more general knowledge of computers as compared to most people, but as the chinese saying goes, "yi shan hai bi yi shan gao". there's always someone who knows more then you do. as it turned out, helping him today was actually helping myself. as i type now, my computer is formatting the previously untapped half of my hard disk drive. i've never quite figured out how to do it until today. life is a neverending quest for knowledge, i suppose.

alright, back to gaming ;p


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