Letters to my future self
15th apr - anxiety
as the date draws closer, i'm beginning to feel a bit nervous, stressed even. so far nothing has really messed up (apart from that small ticket pricing glitch) and it worries me. the fear of missing flights, getting rejected, missing my mid sem exam weights heavy. theres much more at stake than i had initially planned for and with that, the amt of risk i'm taking, increases.
past week has been really hectic too, despite only having 2 modules this sem, i'm constantly tied up with school work. there's one assignment i'm having a lot of fun with, but requires a lot of attention. its a hotel simulation module, we get to use this 'monopoly' like program. our class is split into grps to manage a hotel, where our decisions made each 'cycle' will be weighed against the rest of the class (your competitors) and whether your establishment succeeds or fails, pretty much depends on making correct decisions. i'm quite confident to say that i've managed to guide my group to be the most successful hotel at the moment, but its taking a lot out of me. i've probably never spent so much time on an assignment ever and its probably because this one feels more like a game than an actual assignment.
in any case, i havent been sleeping much lately, the anxiety problems isnt exactly helping either.
fingers crossed, hopefully everything would go well as planned.
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