Letters to my future self


Letters to my future self

mar 7th - the 1st month

ok, today marks the 1st month that i'm here. 2nd week of school has also started, which means my tutorials have finally began.

all's well. but i'm struggling abit with the workload. i dont know how important the readings we're told to do are, but theres definately alot of them. every of them seems to be reseach journals that are 10 odd-20 pages too.

might change my mind and drop 1 subject to 4. my idea of taking 5 this sem and taking 3 next sem isnt quite working out, as it seems, its compulsary for us to take 40 pts worth of classes per sem, so even if i do take 5 this sem, i still have to take 4 next sem. not a very gd deal, and considering the current work load, i'll prob drop 1 subject for now and save it for the next sem.

the way classes here are conducted are also abit wierd. for the 1st time i'm hearing things like "dont worry about getting your homework wrong, we'll only be marking them for completeness, as long as you show reasonable attempt at the question, we'll award you the mark. so i encourage all of you to attempt the questions". jus wierd... i know the homework are only marked to give marks for tutorial participation (which most of the time is a give away mark), but this is jus plain wierd.

abit more on falling asleep during lectures, situation seems to have slightly improved. sweets keeps me awake for abt 30 mins, before the sweet melts entirely and i fall asleep approximately around the 40th min ><". out of my 4 lectures this week so far, i've managed to stay awake throughout one of them (the irony here is, the lecture that i stayed awake in, was actually the most boring lecture out of all of them)

and new thing i learnt this week: paying attention during lectures actually helps keep the mind awake! ;p

the worrying bit comes in abt 2-3 weeks time when my 1st assignments will be due. alot of them look really ugly. requires a certain amount of research and writing journal reviews, comparisms. god, i hate it already. got to do even more reading ups and stuff... ack.

oh well, to be for now


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