Letters to my future self
16th jan - irony
sorry for the lack for updates, life has reached a stalemate, nothing much exciting recently.
abt 1 hr ago however, i had to make a call to the organization that i'm serving currently. yes, the same organization that i'm always cursing and swearing at. apparently my grandma fell in her apartment and theres a bump on her head, she also lost a few of her teeth and bled quite abit.
such is fate. requiring help from ppl when least expected.
new oc will be at station tml, hopefully there wont be too many radical changes to the current situation.
during the past few off days i havent been doing much either, going down to meridian and mucking around with the gang as usual. i did pick up some comics and a new boardgame this week thou.
the irony of it, is that i bought the boardgame at PI and the comics from kino, despite hanging out at comicsmart almost all my off days. lol
boardgame - betrayal at house on the hill
comics - sandman 1-3, marvel 1602, one piece 27, 30, 31
yes, finally picked up sandman. it jus happened that i bumped into sam the other day in the evening. he was having a night's out and was walking around in town. i accompanied him to hmv, then to kino where i picked up some missing titles for one piece (i have this damn awful habit for this series, i keep missing issues when i buy them, like for example, i'll buy 25, 26 this time round, and the next time, i totally forget abt it and buy 28, 29. brr. speaking of which, i'm missing issue 29 again, despite having bought 30 and 31. ARGH). in a random conversation he told me he bought 1602, something which i wanted to get sometime back and aft realisig that they have it here, i picked it up too. then i saw sandman and i was like... heck, y not. besides sam had a 10% discount card, so... might as well ;p
oh well, thats abt all
time for bed
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