Letters to my future self
2 jan - bizzare day at work
2 very strange things happened at work today.
the 1st one involved a old man's position when he died.
poor old man, he was sleeping on his bed, in the middle of the night, he rolled off his bed and died. ok, thats not the wierd part. it because beside his bed, theres a table of some sort and when he rolled 'off' the bed, his body fell into this small gap btw the table and the bed.
as a result, he's facing downwards, he's left arm is resting on the tabletop, his right arm resting on the bed, and both his knees are on the floor, somewad as if he's kneeling in a very awkward position.
cause of death is likely to be cardiac arrest although its not known if he rolled off the bed due to the chest discomfort or the atk came only aft he fell off the bed. anyways, the 1st point of impact appears to be his left knee as the knee is resting on the floor, surrounded by a small pool of blood, likely to be caused when the knee 1st made contact with the floor.
well, there was also a small pool of urine 'under' the body. dont ask me why it happens, but sometimes a person suffers from incontinence jus b4 death, i think.
the 2nd strange thing was my last case, picked up the case at a clinic. this middle aged guy had some family disputes and went to cut himself on both arms with a pen knife, resulting at 6 cuts on 1 arm and 4 on the other. apparently the cuts are quite deep, thou i didnt see the wound (it was already bandaged up by the doctor at the clinic) the area that the doctor's assistant was mopping on the floor was quite big, so i assumed there was quite abit of blood loss.
well, anyway the strange part of the case was not the patient. it was our ambulance. i had jus loaded up the patient into the ambulance when suddenly. -zapppp- *darkness*
there was a blackout -_-"
everything with the ambulance is fine except out beacon lights and all the interior lights are out. a fuse probably burned out somewhere. its like... wad the...
we had to get another ambulance from out station to come and take over the case cos our current ambulance is in no position to proceed with the call.
oh well...
ok, to bed
tmr its an off day again
yay~, my 1st off day of the yr 2005 *heh*
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